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Service dogs may be silent, but they speak volumes through their actions
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A service dogs knows when you are in need even before you do.
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The highest form of dog training is service work.
There is extraordinary power in the canine-human bond! There's something truly magical about the companionship of a loyal dog, especially when you're in need of emotional, physical or mental support. As they say, a dog is indeed a human's best friend, and we couldn't agree more. These incredible furry companions, when nurtured and educated the right way, become not just our friends but our healers, soothing both our minds and souls. It takes entire communities, thousands of hours, mountains of motivation, talented teams of trainers and volunteers filled with excitement and dedication. Combine this with being detailed oriented, science based and adopting the highest standard in the world (ADI & PADS), results in a service dog that is completely suited to the most difficult of tasks. Accomplished tasks range from alerting to diabetes, panic attacks, retrieval of essential items; meds, mobiles, keys, pressing emergency activated buttons that call 911, opening doors, helping with mobility and more. Every person has their own unique needs, we work within that framework to train a service dog ready to meet those needs. The Canine Valley Service Dog Program embarks on a mission to harness the remarkable potential of our four-legged friends. We firmly believe that one of the finest therapists walks on four paws!
There is extraordinary power in the canine-human bond! There's something truly magical about the companionship of a loyal dog, especially when you're in need of emotional, physical or mental support. As they say, a dog is indeed a human's best friend, and we couldn't agree more. These incredible furry companions, when nurtured and educated the right way, become not just our friends but our healers, soothing both our minds and souls. It takes entire communities, thousands of hours, mountains of motivation, talented teams of trainers and volunteers filled with excitement and dedication. Combine this with being detailed oriented, science based and adopting the highest standard in the world (ADI & PADS), results in a service dog that is completely suited to the most difficult of tasks. Accomplished tasks range from alerting to diabetes, panic attacks, retrieval of essential items; meds, mobiles, keys, pressing emergency activated buttons that call 911, opening doors, helping with mobility and more. Every person has their own unique needs, we work within that framework to train a service dog ready to meet those needs. The Canine Valley Service Dog Program embarks on a mission to harness the remarkable potential of our four-legged friends. We firmly believe that one of the finest therapists walks on four paws!